Before you get started...
Welcome to Day 1 of your Music Licensing Challenge!
For the next 30 days, you'll be trying to get your music placed in production music libraries.
Because it's the easiest route to music licensing when you're first starting out.
You'll learn:
- the basics of music licensing deals – exclusive, non-exclusive, writer's share, publisher's share, master rights;
- what the marketplace is looking for – what genres are popular, where there's a gap that's begging to be filled;
- why it can be financially rewarding – pricing tools;
- what it takes to pursue that income stream – the boring admin stuff you need to take care of like preparing audio files, writing good descriptions, finding the right keywords to describe your music.
Once you know all this and have experienced it first hand, it'll be easier for you to figure out if you want to keep going and maybe even start getting in touch with music supervisors or filmmakers directly.
By focusing on a maximum of 10 tracks – with vocals or instrumentals, both are fine.
You need to make that choice NOW, TODAY!
Because for every track that is accepted by a music library, you'll need to do many, many things and get them right.
If you don't focus your energy on 10 tracks or less, you won't be able to do that to the required level.
Don't believe me?
Why don't you move on to day 1 and start having a go. You'll find out soon enough ;)